胡杰森 , 12 歲
胡杰森,2002 年出生。他從4歲開始學習鋼琴。2010年成為艾斯堡音樂學院姍娜·瓦爾妮教授的學生。
2013 年 愛沙尼亞“塔林國際青少年音樂大賽”二等獎
2014 年 俄羅斯大諾夫哥德市“第九界國際青少年拉赫瑪尼鋼琴賽”四名
杰森最喜歡的顏色是綠色。綠色讓他感到清爽,就像萬事都在重新開始,還讓他感到奇妙地滋潤。就因為喜歡綠色,他在夏天可以整天泡在高爾夫球場的蔭場上生,生長在芬蘭是少不了學會冬季運動的。杰森在冬季喜歡打冰球,這可是芬蘭的國球啊。他發現音樂中的節奏能給他的冰球訓練帶來很多幫助。他的冰球教練也跟他說過:一個好運動員是 節奏能給他的冰球訓練帶來很多幫助。教也跟說過:一個好運動員是 節奏能給他的冰球訓練帶來很多幫助。教也跟說過:一個好運動員是需要有很強的節奏感。杰森在艾斯堡市一所國際學校讀6年級。
Jason Hu (b.2002) began playing the piano at age of four. He has studied in Espoo Music Institute since 2010 with professor Sanna Vaarni.
He is a prizewinner in international competitions:
2013 2 nd prize in Tallinn Young Musician, Estonia
2014 4th prize in IX International Rachmaninoff Competition of Young Pianists Veliky Novgorod (the birth place of Rachmaninoff), Russia
Jason’s favorite colour isr isr isr is green. He thinks that green makes him feel fresh, and like a new start, and also a little bit juicy, which is really strange … Because of the colour green, he loves to spend a lot of time at the golf course in summer. In winter, Jason plays ice a lot of ice -hockey,which one can say,can say, is the Finnish national game. He has noticed that rhythm of music helps his ice hockey training a lot. A good hockey player needs good rhythmic skills too, as his hockey coach once told! He is now a 6th grader in an English international school Finland.
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