Good Housekeeping Research Institute has awarded no less than four innovative Dualit appliances with its ‘Approval Award’.
Renowned for providing consumers with accurate and impartial reviews of a range of products for the home, the Good Housekeeping Research Institute has awarded no less than four innovative Dualit appliances with its ‘Approval Award’. The Classic toaster, the new Blender, 1.5L Jug Kettle and XL900 Food Processor have all been recognised as some of the best performing and attractive products currently on the market.
Alex Gort-Barten, Director of Dualit comments: “We are thrilled to have our products commended by such an acclaimed body as the Good Housekeeping Institute. Here at Dualit we constantly strive to produce products that answer the demands of the modern day consumer. By drawing upon our 60 years of experience in the kitchen industry our appliances combine innovative design with an attractive and quality aesthetic.”
Founded in 1900, the Good Housekeeping Institute is the product-evaluation laboratory of the magazine. A staff of scientists, engineers, nutritionists, and researchers are all dedicated to evaluating and testing everything from moisturizers to toasters to ensure that they only recommend the best quality products available today.
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