The bowl assembly shall include a round bowl of seamless stainless steel. with deep self-rinsing contour, slanted down toward the drain to afford complete drainage when the Can Washer-Sanitizer is installed on a level surface; a 1-?” standard male threaded connection of stainless steel; an open safely rim formed by a cleanable outward roll; a stainless steel spoke hub and four (4) cross spokes of ?” heavy duly stainless steel rod stock to elevate container, prevent its recontamination and increase the rigidity of the bowl; a removable tubular stainless steel drain screen; a nozzle guard of bronze; and a 3-directional rotary spray nozzle described below. The drain connection and spoke hub shall be attached to the bowl by welding. The bowl shall be attached to the prime aluminum pedestal by the riser tube and three (3) stainless steel bolts, and be replaceable. An acceptable type ?” vacuum breaker made of brass, is sold as an option.
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