中國廚房設備網( 日期:2013.4.12 來源:廚房設備
Technology Enhancement Certification for Hoosiers
The Technology Enhancement Certification for Hoosiers (TECH) Fund is a reimbursement grant program designed to help Indiana companies meet the demands of certified information technology workers in Indiana. This program provides financial assistance to existing companies that are committed to training their workers in the latest information-technology skills. Indiana companies receiving TECH funds must be in good standing with state regulatory agencies.
Eligible Companies
˙Indiana companies or non-profit corporations that employ Indiana residents in
advanced information technology occupations are eligible for this fund. Companies
must have been in operation for at least one year prior to the application date and
be in good standing with the state of Indiana.
Financial Assistance
˙The maximum grant award for any one company or non-profit corporation is
$50,000, $2,500 per employee or 50 percent of the IT training budget, whichever
is less.
˙Training activities eligible for reimbursement under the guidelines are those
offered by industry-certified training providers and resulting in a full-time
employee receiving a portable certification in systems administration, systems
engineering, software development, professional certifications and other
certifications in advanced e-business enabling applications.
Eligible Training Activities
˙Instructor-led, computer-based training and self-study costs are eligible for
reimbursement provided the employee obtains the appropriate vendor
certification upon completion of the coursework. Certification training eligible for
reimbursement from the TECH Fund is based on the individual needs of the company.
1. Identified IT training need
2. Prospective grantee’s readiness to expand IT strategies
3. Compelling case that IT training investment will improve Indiana’s competitive edge.
4. Quality and scope of the IT certification training.
5. Membership in information technology skills alliance is helpful but not required. The IEDC encourages information technology companies, or IT divisions within companies, to join local or regional information technology associations or skills alliances.
6. Additional Information: general program description, how it works, eligible entities, eligible training costs, training priorities, selection criteria, grant awards, reimbursement schedule and review committee.
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